Our Demonstration of Dance at Heswall Hall, Heswall was held on 3rd & 4th December 2021. Everyone performed really well!! We showed our family and friends the different dance styles we can do including Ballet, Tap, Modern / Stage, Freestyle, Cheerleading, Musical Theatre including singing.
A great mix which, from the feedback received in the past, has kept our audiences entertained! There were a lot of exciting tunes including a tribute to the 25th anniversary of Riverdance. The helpers backstage were amazing, getting the little ones ready for their next routine and keeping them entertained. The Ladies, yet again, were absolutely fantastic and really went to town on their costumes! Some from the Ladies Zumba class also took part again and I was very proud of them. Congratulations to Rachel Batchelor, Grace Glover, Isabelle Naylor and Lucy Roberts who performed their choreography competition winning routine.
Their performance was brilliant. Everyone who helped to make this event a great success – thank you very much!! With the proceeds of the ticket sales, second hand uniform sales and the raffle we raised £500.00 for Ronald McDonald House at Arrowe Park Hospital. Philippa Bradbury from Ronald McDonald House came to watch our performance on Saturday and told us of the work they do and what that money means for the House.
Thank you everyone who purchased show & raffle tickets and made a donation to our second hand uniform and shoe box. Trophies and medals were awarded for best attendance and a positive attitude to fellow dancers and the school ethos of encouragement and support. Isabelle Naylor received our “Spirit of Dance” trophy. Our next Demonstration is to be held Spring 2023, date to be confirmed.We are looking forward to it!
We have been unable to raise funds at our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning but we had a wonderful time at our Afternoon Tea on 18th June 2022 when we raised funds for the school to help purchase costumes for our next show. Thank you to all the Thursday Ladies who did all the catering, to all who donated raffle prizes and to all who supported the event. It was a great success and we have been asked hold another one during the Autumn Term.